Monday, October 17, 2011

Changes, crises, disasters, collapses.. the story of humanity..

Today, we should pay closer attention to the culture of crisis/ disaster, past or present, and look at how the disaster inscribes itself on the psyche and re-configures hyper-modern subjectivity while also examining how politics must biologically constitute itself when faced with the catastrophe that is always to come. 
The archaeodisasters’ story needs to be told through the meta-optics of politics/influence, science/conviction, vulnerability/recovery and technology/nature. Disaster Science therefore must be a science of the limit-experience of the Biosphere and a science of “conditions”. From Forensic scientific fields to Earth Sciences and Humanities, from Environmental and Landscape Archaeology to Salvage and Public Archaeology,  from Disaster Mythology and Astrology, to Eco-Anthropology, Disaster & Anarchist Anthropology and Behavioral Modernities, Disaster Archaeology has a broader spectrum of topics, views, practice and contribution to unfold.

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