What is a human-made disaster? The wars, the technological accidents, or much more than these atrocities? This is the darkness, the madness and the sinister fate of humanity never to be taught by the errors of the past…
A human-made disaster could be also the annihilation of dignity and freedom, of language and customs, of personal ideals, belief systems and memory, the violation of human rights, the catastrophe of monuments, ways of life and lifestyles, the violent dominion over less strong people with power of any kind, the use of wars, weapons, of any kind, tortures, brutalities, blackmails, distortion of truth (reality) to impose this power, and much more… No comments, no expression of author’s ideals or beliefs. Just a presentation of humanity’s dark phase. No religion, no nation, no area, no ideology can miss this presentation. None of institutions or companies either. Here is a presentation, not accusation or defamation of names, people or beliefs. Just data from history. The truth of many victims has been shown and declared in courts and transparent legal systems. 

The researcher is not a judge, advocate or prosecutor, and she has not any gain from the categorization of data. All data are already public and worldwide known. This online presentation is about memory and its ethics, power and life. It is an honoring process. Memory is life. People who have no memory, the don’t live anywhere…

We ask apologies for the victims and cases who probably are not mentioned in this research. Unfortunately, human soul and mind have so many faces of darkness to register and remember…

  Mental health involves being able to face life in a realistic way--to take the good with the bad, the strengths with the limitations, the love with the hate, the joys with the disappointments.  Finding that kind of balance is a lifelong task.  But it is a balance worth seeking because it allows us to do what we can do to make our lives the best that they can be. 

But the truth comes will all sorts of anxieties, disappointments, and responsibilities. WE should give voice to the darkness, too, if we want to live in light.
The Psychology of the Mass (mob psychology, crowd psychology) is a branch of Social Psychology that explains how the individuals can change their behavior when are along with a group of people, acting together against other humans. Gustave Le Bon in 1841, established the discipline, formulating the Contagion Theory.
       The notorious Milgram Experiment tries to explain the limits of human compassion. It was conducted by the psychologist Stanley Milgram, professor at Yale University, beginning on July of 1961. Human history has proven that, apart from the sadists, ordinary people can be transformed into a torturer with ease. 
You can read the monograph of the project (front page, right column) by clicking on the image

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